Parenting in Process

Helping parents of young children (0-8yo) confidently show up as the connected and conscious parent their kids need & they’ve always wanted to be

Hey there!

I know you want the best for your kids. You’ve spent time reading, listening, and seeking out tips and strategies to help you parent.
But something still feels like it’s missing. 

Despite your efforts, you still find yourself second-guessing your parenting decisions, unsure if what you are doing is actually right. Your confidence wavers when you can’t seem to implement the tips and strategies you’ve read about. It feels like you just can’t get it to work for you.

You long for more joy, more connection, and to lay the foundations for deep long-lasting relationships with your kids.

It’s time to make those parenting goals your reality!



The S.E.T. for Conscious Parenting Signature Method

With my “S.E.T. for Conscious Parenting” signature coaching approach, you can say goodbye to the guesswork as you become empowered in your parenting. 

You see…it isn’t just about finding the right tools, soaking up the right nugget of info, or even just doing the inner work. The confidence and clarity you desire happens when you put the pieces of the puzzle together.  

The 3 Pillars of S.E.T.

+ Supportive Reflection to understand where you are at, where you want to go, and what’s getting in the way

+ Empowering Information that allows you to truly understand what is going on for your
kids and yourself

+ Tools to Take Action that are tailored to you and your unique situation

It is through the integration of the pillars of S.E.T. where you can make sense of yourself, your children, & your relationship to elevate your self-awareness and unlock your parenting potential. Self-awareness (or consciousness) is the goal so you can make moment-to-moment conscious decisions rooted in your larger goals and values. 

With the strong roots of S.E.T., your potential for growth is limitless!

it’s time to become the parent you’ve dreamed of being