
A P A R E N T ’ S G U I D E T O T H E N E R V O U S S Y S T E M

So you’ve heard about co-regulation
But what is it actually? And how exactly do you do it?

Let’s dive deeper than “being the calm in their storm.”

This guide will show you how!

From unfettered joy that turns into uncontrollable giggles to the screaming drop-to-the-floor-like-a-noodle meltdowns, kids’ emotions often flow from them like the waters at Niagra Falls.

Standing in the path of those emotional floods as a parent can be quite the dysregulating experience. If your only tool is to try to be calm in this emotional storm, you’ll likely get washed away with your kiddos.

But first you need a foundational understanding of how the nervous system works. Because when you can understand yourself and your child through the lens of the nervous system and states of regulation, it becomes so much easier to get curious about your own and your child’s needs and to make minute-by-minute decisions to meet those needs in effective ways.

The good news? There is more nuance to co-regulation than just trying to be calm!

Why Co-Regulation?

Co-regulation is one of the “hot” topics in the responsive, conscious, and gentle parenting spaces, and rightfully so. Helping a child manage, process, understand, label, organize, and express their feelings is one of the most monumental and impactful tasks for parents.

When parents have a pattern of punishing, shutting down, or becoming overwhelmed by their children’s emotions, children learn that their emotions are unmanageable and scary. But when you co-regulate with your child, they learn that all emotions are safe to be felt and will come to pass in manageable ways.

A parent’s ability to be with their child’s emotions via co-regulation is what allows their capacity for
self-regulation to emerge as they develop.

Co-regulating with your child enables them to make sense of their internal world, to know the experience of emotional closeness in their relationships, to begin to regulate their emotional experiences as they mature, and to trust that they will make it through times of emotional turbulence. This is the gift of co-regulation.

What’s Included?

In this beautiful 75+ page guide, you’ll learn:

  • How the Autonomic Nervous System works - the science behind your body’s “threat detection system”

  • How arousal states impact behaviors - including how it can look for adults and children

  • What is regulation - hint: it doesn’t mean calm

  • “The Bridge of Dysregulation” analogy to help visualize the ways the nervous system works

  • The importance of self-regulation - especially for parents

  • How strengthening your “golden thread of consciousness” will help you create lasting changes in your ability to self- and co-regulate - including tips for how to strengthen your awareness

  • 12+ tips and tools for self-regulation

  • The window of tolerance - why does it fluctuate and what can you do about it

  • What is co-regulation really - understanding how nervous systems communicate

  • The 6 steps on the “Cycle of Co-Regulation” - including what happens when the cycle is broken

  • The goals of co-regulation - why it’s not just about getting your child to calm down

  • What is your child learning when you co-regulate

  • What does co-regulation look like across the lifespan

  • 15+ tools to help you co-regulate

  • Co-regulation scripts

  • Troubleshooting co-regulation - answering common questions and concerns about co-regulation

Grab your Co-Regulation Guide now!

Only $50