“Do No Harm” Plans

T H E 6 - S T E P W O R K B O O K

No two ways about it…parenting is triggering.

Kids have a way of bringing things up in us that we might not have even been aware were there.

The good news? Getting triggered is a normal and okay experience.

Triggers don’t have to be a source of rupture in your relationship with your child.

It’s what you do in those triggered moments that matters

Why do I need these plans?

In those emotional moments when you are triggered, your default reactions come out to play. For you, this could be yelling, dismissing, disconnecting, shaming, blaming, passive aggression, physical aggression, harshness, or so many other things that you might hope to change.

This is of course unless you can learn to expand the space between your reaction and your response. If you can give yourself time to find regulation, you can change the way you react to your kiddos, even in those triggering moments.

Within that space, the goal should be to limit the harm to your child and your relationship with them while you ground yourself, which means you have to learn to override your default reactions.

This workbook will help you do just that…

With this 6-step plan, I will help you to:

  • get clear on your goals to respond instead of react

  • understand what triggers are

  • recognize your triggers by bringing awareness to how you experience them

  • identify your default reactions

  • create your personalized "do no harm" plans

  • track your progress through reflection

Grab your “Do No Harm” Plans Workbook now.

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