From Reaction to Response


From Reaction to Response: Transform Your Triggers is a 4-week program that helps parents go from feeling stuck in their unhelpful patterns of reactions to feeling confident in their ability to understand and manage their triggers so that they can respond to difficult moments with their children without harm and in alignment with their values and goals.

Parenting can be a bit of a rollercoaster. There are moments of warmth and connection, but there can also be times when it feels like your kids are constantly stepping on your trigger landmines, and you’re always just one wrong step away from reacting in ways that leave you and your child both feeling badly.

Sound familiar?

I get it! This cycle can be so frustrating. Your intentions are so good, but in the moment, it's like you have no control. But what if you could transform those challenging moments into opportunities for growth, understanding, and connection.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • Have you ever woken up and promised yourself that you weren't going to "lose it" today, and then by 9:30 in the morning you've already lashed out at your kiddos?

  • Do you ever feel like a ticking time bomb, constantly at the edge of outburst?

  • Are you tired of yelling, shaming, or reacting in ways that leave you feeling terrible, guilty, and disconnected from your kiddo?

  • Do you ever feel like you are keeping it together, but there is a rage burning inside you that keeps you feeling disconnected from your child and unable to enjoy parenting?

  • Have you felt caught off guard and overwhelmed by the amount of frustration, anger, and rage that sometimes comes up in parenting?

  • Have you been surprised at how easily the patterns of reactions of your own parents come out - those things that you promised you’d never do or say?

  • Are you hoping to parent in ways that are more intentional and connection-based, but keep slipping back into unhelpful patterns?

This program is designed to empower parents just like you. It is your key to understanding and managing your triggers, so you can navigate difficult moments with your children without harm and with a newfound sense of agency, calm, and confidence.


The difference with this program is that you aren’t just getting surface level tools or strategies. We are going to dive deep and “SET” you up for success with my signature method. 

“S.E.T. for Conscious Parenting”

Through the grounding and integration of supportive reflection, empowering information, and actionable tools and strategies, your capacity for self-awareness increases, which unlocks your potential for growth as a conscious parent.

In this program, we will work to integrate the three pillars of S.E.T. to increase your self-awareness around your triggers in a way that will allow you to access choice in those tricky moments and learn to intentionally show up for yourself, and in turn, your child.

What’s included?

  • 4 Weeks of 1:1 Coaching: I will be guiding you on this path every step of the way. Together we will reflect on where you are and where you want to go, empower you with information about triggers through the lens of the brain and your nervous system, and build out actionable tools that will help you integrate the information into your day-to-day life.

  • Workbook: This is a companion workbook to your journey, filled with exercises, visuals, and information that will guide you through the program and beyond.

  • Journal Reflection Prompts: The reflections act as a bridge between sessions and are your ticket to deeper self-discovery. Uncover insights and untangle emotions as you get to know yourself and your triggers better.

  • Trigger Tracker: Witness your growth and celebrate your victories!

This sounds great…but Becky, I don’t have the time!

I get that adding another thing to your plate may seem like the last thing you have time for at the moment, but I’ve designed this program to be a high return on investment for your time. The workbooks and journals are extras to help guide you in reflections and integration for your journey. But there’s no homework in-between calls, and no prep work needed. Carve out the time for the coaching sessions and show up as you are, and I’ll make sure I give you everything you need!

You’re ready if…

  • You want to be able to maintain composure amidst the most triggering moments and respond to your child’s big emotions and behaviors in ways that are aligned.

  • You want to learn to respond to your triggers with a sense of inner peace and confidence instead of feeling out of control and at the mercy of your deeply ingrained patterns.

  • You want to break free from the cycle of guilt and shame that often follow your triggered reactions 

  • You want to turn down the volume on your triggers and move through difficult moments with confidence.

  • You’re a cycle breaking parent and you want to reduce the potential trauma of your triggered reactions.

  • You want to stop fearing the next big outburst and feel more at ease in your parenting.

  • You want to release the internal rage that you feel when you are triggered to allow for more connection and joy.

Are you ready to leave the minefield behind and meet those moments of big emotions and chaos with confidence?

Don't let another day pass feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. Your journey to becoming the parent you aspire to be starts here. Join us, and together, let's navigate the path from reaction to response, one heart-centered step at a time.

To learn more about how this program can elevate your unique parenting journey, book a discovery call with now! Let's talk about your dreams, your struggles, and how "From Reaction to Response" can be the catalyst for more ease and joy in your parenting.