Syllabus |

Growing Together |

Syllabus | Growing Together |

Week 1: Opening the Container 

  • Let’s go! We’ll start your journey by getting clear on your goals and values as a conscious parent, ground into the 10 pillars of conscious parenting, and do some inner resourcing by sinking into a practice with “glimmers.”

Week 2: The Paradigm Shift

  • Does conscious parenting really work? This week we dive into the fundamental paradigm shift of conscious parenting from a behavioral approach to a relational one. 

  • We’ll bust through lots of fears as you begin to understand behavior as communication and what it means to truly see your children as whole people.

Week 3: Understanding Your Triggers

  • Here, we’ll learn about the impact of the early years on a child’s life (both for yourself and your children) and understand the process of change through awareness. 

  • We’ll create plans for those times when you are triggered by your kids so you can ensure you are doing no harm, even in those tricky moments. 

Week 4: Brain Science

  • If you’ve ever faced baffling behaviors, we’re going to start breaking some of that down via the lens of brain science so you can better understand and support your child’s (and your own) behaviors. You’ll find that you, and your kids, actually make a lot of sense!

Week 5: Attachment

  • Let’s dig into the heart of what children really need to thrive…a secure attachment. It’s not as elusive as it may seem. Let’s simplify this complex topic to help you understand what it is, what it’s not, and what your kids actually need from you with attachment security as the goal. 

Week 6: Integration Session

  • Whew! Half-way through. Taking a week to pause new content and bring all your process of integration & implementation, blocks, issues, scenarios, and needs for support to the table for a more client-directed coaching session

Week 7: Filling the Power Cup

  • Let’s take a look at those power struggles and how you can fill up your kids power cup without emptying yours. We’ll dive into “power over,” “power under,” and “power with” parenting, and how you can live into empowered parenting. 

Week 8: The Nervous System

  • This week, we’re getting nerdy with nervous system science. We’ll dive into why it can feel so hard to be present, connected, and not so easily irritated as you uncover and learn to recognize your own behaviors through the lens of the nervous system. You’ll learn lots of self-regulation tools for both up- and down-regulating so that you’ll be prepared to ride the waves of your nervous system alongside your child. 

Week 9: Co-Regulation

  • Now that you’ve got the lens of the nervous system, we’ll work on understanding your kiddo’s from the inside out as well. This week you’ll learn to support your child’s big emotions through the process of co-regulation. We’ll go so much deeper than just trying to “share your calm.”

Week 10: When the Sh*t Hits the Fan

  • This week, we’ll be talking about the moments when nothing is going right. We’ll dive into rupture and repair, the power of the pause, and the concept of time-out/time-ins. You’ll feel ready to meet those WTF moments with confidence.  

Week 11: Discipline & Boundaries

  • Now that you have a view of the whole pie, let’s talk discipline and boundaries. In this week, we’ll deconstruct the need to use punishments as you learn what it means to be a benevolent leader, how to hold boundaries with firmness and kindness, and how you can come alongside your kids in guidance. 

Week 12: Launch

  • This week, we’ll recap everything you’ve learned on your journey and celebrate the massive successes as you’ve become confident and empowered in your parenting. We’ll anchor all of your learnings and reflections so that you feel ready to launch!