Become the Parent Your Child Needs

Growing Together

Empowering parents to show up as the confident, connected, conscious parents their kids need and they desire to be.

I know you want what’s best for your kids. You not only want them to be able to thrive now, but you also desire to lay the foundations for them to thrive in the future as well.

You’ve followed some social media parenting accounts, you’ve listened to podcasts, and maybe even read a few parenting books. But something still feels like it’s missing. Even with all of the information, you still don’t feel like you’ve been able to confidently step into your role as parent.

You can see the benefits of parenting with connection, but there are still barriers to making it work for you and your family. You may be running on low capacity, making it feel like this level of intention isn’t possible. You may struggle to stay present with your kiddos, and either feel irritable or disconnected when you are with them. You may feel stuck in old patterns that you can’t seem to break. There might even be some fears around connection being permissive, and confusion on how to hold the balance of firmness with kindness. 

Your positive intentionality is there, but you’ve felt a bit lost, confused, stuck, or overwhelmed at times…until now!

Join me for:

Growing Together

Growing Together

A 1:1 coaching program that helps parents who want the best for their kids take the guesswork out of conscious parenting so they can confidently show up as the parents their kids need day-to-day while bringing long-lasting joy and connection to the relationship.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You’ve felt lost at times on how to give your kids what they need to thrive, both now and in the future. 

  • You’ve felt frustrated because you’ve collected tools and strategies but struggle to implement them with your kid in ways that feel authentic.

  • You struggle in the day-to-day with your child’s behaviors and emotions; you find yourself second-guessing how to respond.

  • You desire more joy and ease in parenting than you feel now.

  • You feel a bit unsure on how exactly to keep the balance of firmness and kindness.

  • You’ve felt that parenting this way is leading towards burnout, resentment, or martyrdom. 

  • You’ve questioned if your style of parenting is working.

  • You have been surprised at just how difficult confidently parenting in ways that feel aligned to your goals is.

If you’ve found yourself nodding your head, take this as the sign that it’s time to take action and move you towards becoming the parent you’ve always wanted to be!

What’s included?

12 weeks of 1:1 guided coaching sessions (90min)

  • Our sessions will include

    • time to reflect on what’s going on for you, where you want to go, and what’s getting in the way

    • deep-dive guided learning into the many topics of conscious parenting to empower you with the lens you need to parent confidently

    • tools, strategies, tips, and scripts that are tailored to you and your specific situations

Workbooks & Tools

  • to anchor your learnings through the program and beyond

Self-Reflection Journal Prompts

  • if you desire deeper reflections, the journal prompts will be there as a companion to work we do in sessions

Voxer Support:

  • unlimited access to me between sessions via Voxer (voice messaging app) so that you can get real-time support when things come up; you won’t be alone on this journey!

Want to know more about what’s in the program?
Check out the syllabus




I KNOW you are running low on capacity. I know that committing to a coaching program might feel impossible! I know that you might want to wait until you are more “ready.”

But the reality is that if you keep waiting for the “right” time to work on your parenting, it will never come. So, to help you ease into this journey in a way that ensures your success…

I’m offering two bonus sessions before we even begin to make sure that you have everything you need to feel ready for the transformation of Growing Together.

Bonus Session 1: Fortifying Yourself for the Journey

  • What are your needs? And what happens when you neglect them?

  • We will work on fortifying you for the journey ahead by right-fitting self-care, leaning into the practice of self-compassion, and using the spectrum of consent to keep you out of resentment and martyrdom. 

Bonus Session 2: Good-Enough Parenting

  • It can feel overwhelming to think of all the ways we need to support our kids. We’ll work on breaking down some of your limiting beliefs that might be keeping you stuck as well as diving into the power of how perception shapes behaviors.

  • This session provides the very hopeful message that good-enough really is good enough.

Let’s do this!

Book a call to see if this program is the right fit for you!

Here’s what you get when you work with me:

Unlike other programs that might offer you information and/or tools and strategies but leave you guessing at how to actually integrate your learning into your day-to-day parenting, my signature “SET for Conscious Parenting” method provides a clear path to living into your parenting goals.

The Parenting in Process Signature Method

S.E.T. for Conscious Parenting

Supportive Reflection: Together we will reflect on what you are at, where you want to go, and what is getting in the way

Empowering Information: Instead of overwhelming you with a bunch of information, you will receive the information you need to make you feel empowered in your ability to parent

Tools to Take Action: We will create tools, tips, strategies, and scripts that feel authentic to you and your unique situation. We will define success metrics for them so you know when they are working and when you may need to make adjustment. 

Through the integration of these three grounding principles, your capacity for self-awareness will increase, unlocking your potential for growth as a conscious parent within and beyond this program.

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of conscious parenting because awareness within any given situation is how you access choice. With greater awareness, you will be able to access the tools and information that will empower you to make intentional choices aligned with your values and goals. My method will “S.E.T.” you up to feel empowered in your parenting.

This is for you if…

  • You've tried various parenting approaches but feel like there's still something missing in your journey towards becoming the parent you want to be.

  • You're willing to embrace self-awareness and personal growth as integral parts of your parenting journey to becoming the confident, connected, conscious parent your child needs.

  • You believe that a strong parent-child connection is essential for your child's emotional well-being and overall development and are committed to fostering a nurturing, safe, and respectful family environment.

  • You're seeking a program that offers both practical tools/information AND the inner work needed to integrate it, all tailored to your unique family dynamics.

  • You're open to self-reflection and eager to deepen your relationship with your children to find more ease, joy, and delight in parenting.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You're primarily looking for quick fixes or a one-size-fits-all approach, rather than a comprehensive, transformative program.

  • You are not open to exploring your own beliefs, patterns, and behaviors in order to grow as a parent.

  • You're not willing to invest the time and effort required to reflect and grow.

  • You're not interested in personalized guidance and prefer to navigate your parenting journey independently.

Take your next step



  • Becky really helped us reflect so much on ourselves and I can’t explain how valuable this has been. I’m not saying I have everything figured out now, but I feel even more empowered to be the parent R needs me to be. A huge takeaway for me is how we are all still learning and growing on this journey of “good enough” parenting. We aren’t aiming for perfection, but I definitely believe I owe it to R and myself to keep learning and growing. It’s been so wonderful to have Becky hold us through this journey and to create the space for us to have some great conversations which has deepened our relationship.


  • From the very first Zoom call, Becky was friendly, enthusiastic, passionate and I felt it was such a safe learning space! I really felt I could relate to her honesty and values in parenting. I feel I now have the knowledge to back up how I felt parenting coming natural to me. Becky also helped me have grace for myself, I am "good enough." I do not have to be perfect or be attuned with my son 100% of the time because I know how to repair after a rupture. It was a wonderful experience working with Becky, she made me feel so comfortable to share with her my new mom worries and struggles as well as my weekly wins! I'm very thankful to have met and worked with Becky!

    Camille K.

Are you ready to leave the confusion, overwhelm, and second-guessing behind so you can meet the needs of the challenging moments in the day-to-day to create long-lasting joy and deep connections with your children?

You are just around the corner from becoming the parent you’ve always wanted to be. Join me, and together, we’ll take the guesswork out of conscious parenting so you can confidently be the parent your child needs now and for years to come.

To learn more about how this program can elevate your unique parenting journey, book a discovery call with me now! Let's talk about your dreams, your struggles, and how "Growing Together" will help you make your parenting goals a reality!


  • I get that adding another thing to your plate may seem like the last thing you have time for at the moment, but I’ve designed this program to be a high return on investment for your time. The workbooks and journals are extras to help guide you in reflections and integration for your journey. But there’s no homework in-between calls, and no prep work needed. Carve out the time for the coaching sessions and show up as you are, and I’ll make sure I give you everything you need!

  • It's completely normal to have doubts, especially if you've tried different approaches in the past. What sets this program apart is the personalized guidance and tools we'll develop together. The "SET for Conscious Parenting" method is designed to provide a clear and actionable path towards self-awareness and choice, empowering you to live into the parent you want to be.

  • Courses can be great, but what sets coaching apart is that it is a collaborative process where we meet you where you are at right now. You receive personalized guidance not only through learning new information, but in how to integrate it into your parenting. 1:1 coaching allows for troubleshooting, as well as the safety needed to dive into these topics as you stretch yourself towards reaching your goals.

  • I get that 14 weeks is a hefty commitment and I do not take that lightly. This program is not designed to create quick fixes, but to help you create lasting transformation and sustainable growth towards your goals. Parenting is not a simple topic, and this container allows for the nuance, complexity, and depth needed to create more ease, confidence, and connection in your relationships with your children.

Still have more questions?