I’ve got a secret!

Can I tell you a little secret?

I deeply respect children and I absolutely cherish the importance of childhood. *whispers* but I actually don’t like being around kids that much.

I know, I know. I was as shocked as you were when I had this realization because growing up, I was always told how good I was with children. I babysat, nannied, taught dance classes and ran dance camps for littles, and even became a kindergarten teacher for 6 years!

But it wasn’t until I had my own kid, who I actually kind of liked (ok, I liked her a lot), that I realized I actually didn’t like spending time with most kids.

Cue…identity crisis! WHAT?!?! What do you mean? I’m the person who likes kids!

You might be thinking, “why the heck are you telling me this?”

Well…part of why I started Parenting in Process was because, like I said…I believe so wholeheartedly that children and childhood are incredible things deserving a deep respect.

And I believe this while also knowing that, sometimes, being around kids is A LOT, ya feel me?

As I got into my own inner work, I realized that part of what made being around kids SO.DANG.HARD. for me was how many subconscious feelings it brought up for me that conflicted with what I cognitively believed about kids being SO FREAKING COOL.

This is why when I developed Growing Together, I knew that I wanted to help parents who sometimes feel overwhelmed, annoyed, burnt out, or triggered by their kids but who also desire to develop a deep relationship with their kids.

Because I want you to be able to honor your real & raw experience as a parent while also parenting in alignment with your goals and values.

So how do we do that?

  • We develop the full picture so that you have the perspective to understand yourself and your kids from the inside out.

  • We hold the nuance needed to show up for yourself AND your kids in a way that actually feels good.

  • We allow the space for you and your kids to be fully human - learning the messy stuff together like emotion regulation and healthy communication.

You get to grow alongside your kiddos while also growing deeply together - hence:

GROWING TOGETHER (see what I did there?)

Want to see if this might be the kind of parenting support you’re looking for?

  • Book a zero-pressure call to chat HERE

  • Or read more info about the program HERE

Oh yeah, and thanks for keeping my secret!
