Behavior is Communication
Okay, I know this has been said a million time before, but I truly believe it bears repeating. All behavior is a form of communication.
While this is a fairly easy fact to accept when you are not in the heat of a moment, it is much harder to reflect on this when your child has finally tipped you past your breaking points. That’s why this is one of the mantras I often fall back on when I am triggered.
By reminding yourself that behavior is communication, you are able to get curious about your child’s behavior, which in itself brings you higher up in your brain and able to respond before you react.
Asking yourself what your child might be communicating with their behavior will help you attune your their needs. Do they need help? Do they need time? Do they need practice with skills? Do they need love? Cuddles? Space? Quiet? Whatever it is, the act of trying to figure it out already has you taking a step towards connection instead of reaction.
Did you know that “behavior is communication” is true for adults too? Next time you are struggling with managing your own behavior or aren’t so pleased with how you are reacting, try asking yourself, “what am I trying to communicate.” So often, this simple reframe can help you shift your own behavior in order to communicate to your children or partners more clearly and effectively.
For lots more on getting curious about kids’ behaviors, check out the Responsive Parenting Lessons + Challenges