What Not to Say to a New Parent
We have got to stop saying these things to new parents. People say all of these things with good intentions, but it’s already a stressful and isolating time, and these statements just aren’t helpful.
Here are the snarky responses I say in my head when people say these things:
When are you going to have another?
-None of your business.
Is she a good baby?
-No, she’s a bad baby.
Is she sleeping through the night?
-She’s sleeping like a baby should, thanks.
It goes by so fast.
-Oh really? I’ve never heard that.
Oh you think it’s hard now, just wait for ___.
-Well that’s helpful, thanks!
I know these phrases are all well-intentioned and people often say them without thinking about what they really might mean or how they might make them feel. Instead, normalize asking how the parents are doing? If you can bring them meals? Feel free to comment on the fact that the baby is beautiful. Validate the parents’ emotions and hardships.