When you are feeling triggered…Reframe!

Kids will, no doubt, do things that trigger us to our core. When we are triggered, our brains often go into fight or flight mode, causing us to be reactive instead of responsive.

When I was in the classroom, I was introduced to the idea of reframing kids' behaviors and it really allowed me to show up with more calm, more compassion, and a desire for understanding. It allowed me the chance to get curious, regulate myself, and keep connection at the heart of the situation.

Here are some reframes I often find myself using:

  • Are they misbehavior? Or are they behaving their age?

  • Are they problem? Or are they having a problem?

  • Are they giving you a hard time? Or are they having a hard time?

  • Are they doing this to me? Or are they doing this to communicate with me?


1000 Hours Outside


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