4 Ways to Play With Your Newborn

Hint: all they need is you!

So you know play is important for kids, but how in the world are you supposed to play with a newborn? After all, they aren’t really able to play with toys, they only kind of respond to you, and they don’t even move very intentionally.

The good news is that when it comes to playing with little babies, toys are not needed. all they really need is you!

Here are 4 simple ways to play with your newborn:

1. Sing and Dance:

Babies love music and movement, plus the close time with you will always be a favorite. A great singing voice and good dance moves are not required. Babies Snuggle your little one close, turn on some music, and get moving.

2. Stare into each other's faces:

Hold your babe close and feel the love and connection build as you look into each other's eyes. Your baby loves studying faces, so just hold them close and watch them watching you. Smiles and coos are encouraged!

3. Talk Talk Talk:

Babies love listening to you talk. They are comforted by the sound of your voice, so talk with your little one often throughout the day. You can talk about what you are doing, what you are thinking, or you can even read them your favorite book or even the newspaper.

4. Baby Massage:

Baby massage has so many benefits including lowered cortisol levels, help with sleep, and more. It also provides some wonderful skin-to-skin time as you slow down, make eye contact, and connect with your babe.

Playing with babies doesn’t need to be complicated. It doesn’t need to be loud or boisterous or even require toys. Babies are born wired for attachment; they are constantly putting out bids for connection and learning how you respond. Connection is how they play!

How else do/did you play with your newborn?


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