5 Tips for Responding to Unsolicited Parenting Advice

Navigating unsolicited parenting advice can be tricky, especially when it comes from close friends and family. Here are some tips for responding to unsolicited parenting advice.

  1. Validate: You can validate the other person’s experience and tell them that you will continue to do what works for your family.

  2. Own your parenting choices confidently: When you are intentional in your parenting choices, you will be able to confidently state that you are choosing to parent this way.

  3. Offer to educate: Not everyone is open to hearing why you do what you do, but you can offer to share.

  4. Set a boundary: Feel free to set a boundary and tell others that you aren’t looking for advice or aren’t wanting to talk about this further.

  5. Say Nothing: You always have the option to smile, nod, and then continue doing what you are doing.


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