“Just Stand Your Sacred Ground”
This lovely mantra from @brenebrown is so very helpful at keeping you and your family’s values centered, even when it feels as though you are being scrutinized.
You do not need to shrink down and do what others think you “should” be doing.
You do not need to puff up explain or justify all of your choices.
You just need to stand firmly rooted in your values and do what you know is best for your kiddos, even if it is unpopular among others.
It can be really helpful to think about and discuss with your partner ahead of time what things you are okay with being flexible on, and what things you will not budge on.
Some situations to consider how you will respond and what firm boundaries you will want to hold:
-Bodily Autonomy/Consent
-Tantrums/Big Emotions
Whatever it is that is most important to you, try to have a game plan for the moment, and remember what Brene says, “stand your sacred ground.”